Scopri i Corsi Jean Monnet A.A. 2018/2019

Di seguito  i corsi Jean Monnet attivati nel primo semestre dell’a.a. 2018/19, co-finanziati dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ e aperti a tutti gli studenti, docenti dell’Ateneo e ai soggetti interessati.

I corsi Jean Monnet promuovono l’eccellenza nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca nel settore degli studi sull’Unione Europea in tutto il mondo, oltre al dialogo tra il mondo accademico e i decisori politici, in particolare allo scopo di rafforzare la governance delle politiche dell’UE.

I seguenti nuovi corsi sono appartenenti alla Cattedra Jean Monnet SmallArea methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators inEU – SAMPIEU”, co-finanziati alla Prof.ssa Monica Pratesi nell’anno 2018:

“European Indicators of poverty and vulnerabilities for Sustainable Development Goal and Seminars” (9 CFU – I Semestre). Su questo corso è mutuato:

– “European Statistical System and Data Production Model” (6 ECTS – I Semester starting on September 24th, 2018),  parte del curriculum “OS” curriculum della Laurea Magistrale in Economics (Sito web:

“Small Area Methods for the analysis of multidimensional poverty data and Seminars” (9 ECTS – II Semester). On this course has been borrowed: the course:

– “Analysis of Survey Data and Small Area Estimation” (6 ECTS – II Semester),  parte del curriculum “OS” curriculum della Laurea Magistrale in Economics (Sito web:

Sono inoltre ancora attivi i moduli Jean Monnet co-finanziati nell’anno 2017:

  • “The Economics of European Regions: Theory, Empirics, and Policy”  (EERTEP) – 9 CFU –  Docente responsabile: Prof.  Davide Fiaschi (Sito web:
  • “Labour Economics in an European Perspective” (LEEP) – 6 CFU –  Docente responsabile: Prof.  Lorenzo Corsini – (Sito web:

Consulta il seguente link per vedere l’orario delle lezioni

Dear student,

we inform you that  Jean Monnet courses are active from the first semester of the academic year 2018/19,  they are co-funded by the European Union in the framework of Erasmus+ program and opened to all students, teachers and anyone else interested.
These courses promote active European citizenship and deal with the role of the EU in a globalized world, enhancing awareness of the Union and facilitating future engagement and people-to-people dialogue worldwide.

The following courses belong to the  Jean Monnet Chair SmallArea methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators inEU – SAMPIEU”, co-founded to Prof. Monica Pratesi in 2018:

“European Indicators of poverty and vulnerabilities for Sustainable Development Goal and Seminars” (9 CFU – I Semestre). Su questo corso è mutuato:

– “European Statistical System and Data Production Model” (6 ECTS – I Semester starting on September 24th, 2018),  which is part of the “OS” curriculum of the Master of Science in Economics

“Small Area Methods for the analysis of multidimensional poverty data and Seminars” (9 ECTS – II Semester). On this course has been borrowed: the course:

– “Analysis of Survey Data and Small Area Estimation” (6 ECTS – II Semester),  which is part of the “OS” curriculum of the Master of Science in Economics

The two Jean Monnet courses, co-founded in 2017 are still active:

  • The Economics of European Regions: Theory, Empirics, and Policy” (9 ECTS), coordinator: Prof. Davide Fiaschi  –  Website:
  • Labour Economics in an European Perspective” (6 ECTS), coordinator Prof. Lorenzo Corsini – Website:

Please check the timetable of the courses here:

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